Redeem an Xnode Virtual Machine with a Pin
Xnode DVM (Decentralized Virtual Machine) is a sophisticated infrastructure deployment system that provides NFT-controlled access to computing resources.
Deploy Your First App
Pick an app from the Openmesh App Store and experience how easy it is to add new apps to your Xnode.
Claim Contribution Rewards
On your Xnode you are encouraged to run Openmesh Core. This will allocate a small amount of your resources to help the Openmesh Network. Contributors are able to claim OPEN tokens periodically.
Activate your Xnode One local hardware
Xnode One is the easiest way to run a local Xnode. A mini pc, built with Xnode's usecases in mind and with XnodeOS preinstalled, will be shipped to your address and can be activated in Xnode Studio.
Build Infrastructure like never before
View the new experimental way Xnode Studio is working on to allow people to build and manage their infrastructure.
Run an Ethereum or Polygon node
Effortless deployment and management of blockchain nodes, validators and applications. More nodes coming soon!
Find & search 30,000+ Servers & data centers
Visualize the collection of hardware that Xnode has access to.
Node Operators Economic Viability Calculator
Compare how much profit you would earn by running a blockchain node on a certain providers.